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What we’re about

Design Thinking is a framework that helps in solving problems using a human-centred, creative approach.
It encourages multidisciplinary collaboration, breaking through organisational silos, leading to the generation of solutions that are feasible, viable and desirable. 

Group vision:

The aim is to create a place where Design Thinkers can come together and share their practice, as well as newbies can learn more about it.

These are the principles we want to promote:

- openness and inclusion

- collaboration and co-creation

- learn by showing and doing

- allow ideas to shape with iteration and learning from failures

This is a quick intro to Design Thinking:

I also aim to bring interesting practices from other product/service communities - Lean, Service Design, JTBD. 

See how Design Thinking works by how can be applied to any problem, even to design your life:

Enjoy your Design Thinking journey!