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Fwd: Teach & sell online courses with our latest WordPress plugin

From: Sallie G.
Sent on: Monday, January 21, 2013, 2:21 PM

I have not yet tested or bought this (and am not an affiliate who would make money if you did), but I am guessing that I'm not the only person here who does WordPress training, and this looks intriguing.


Begin forwarded message:

From: "Mark Forrester (WooThemes Co-Founder)" <[address removed]>
Subject: Teach & sell online courses with our latest WordPress plugin
Date: January 21,[masked]:00:20 PM PST
To: Sallie Goetsch <[address removed]>

Teach & sell online courses with our latest WordPress plugin


Dear Sallie,

It's been months in development, but we can finally report our top secret project, previously code named LMS, has finally been released. Sensei helps you create online courses from within WordPress. Sensei aims to capture the core features of a learning management plugin, while not bloating it with features other existing plugins can handle. Sensei integrates perfectly with any well coded theme, as well as WooCommerce allowing you to charge for your courses!

We strongly recommend you watch the Sensei overview video to find out more.


Sensei's intuitive backend interface that seamlessly integrates within WordPress.

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