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Transition training for a greener community

From: Koreen B.
Sent on: Monday, March 23, 2009, 3:04 PM
Transition Town initiatives are spreading all over the world - towns and cities that want to be more economically resilient, more environmentally sustainable, and more user friendly to the people living and working there are implementing the successful actions of the Transition Town movement to speed progress towards these goals.  Find out how to strengthen local economies and neighborhoods, create more access to healthy food and clean water and energy, while preserving local natural resources for future generations.  

Curriculum: The course includes the "fundamentals" for those wishing to know how to set up, run, and maintain a successful Transition Initiative. It is packed with imaginative and inspiring ways to delve into both the theory and practice of Transition, providing training in the basics of Transition for new communities coming on board.

Who should attend: Transition Initiative leaders, working group members, and those considering Transition in their communities.

Instructors: This Training for Transition course will be taught by the co-founders of the Transition Center, Alastair Lough, PhD , and Patricia Proulx-Lough AAMFT, MST therapist. Together they bring decades of experience in natural resources, organizational behavior, group facilitation, visioning processes, event planning and environmental leadership.
Schedule: Saturday, April 25, 9:00 AM registration; workshop runs 9:30 AM to 6:00 PM, with a 1 hour lunch break.
Sunday, April 26, workshop runs 9:30 AM to 6:00 PM, with a 1 hour lunch break.
Lunch will be provided both days.

Location: St Petersburg/Tampa area of FL (Several venues are under consideration)

Organized By: The Permaculture Guild LLC

Cost: $250 per person. A $75 advance deposit is required to hold your place.

Early bird sign up is $215 before April 10.

We consciously work to keep costs low, and the course affordable. Some partial scholarships may be available. Registration will be limited to 50 participants.

Registration/Information: Contact Ken Benway - email [address removed] or call[masked] to reserve your space.

More information at