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RE: [diningout-319] New Event: 6th Meet Up at Three Son's Restaurant RESCHEDULED

From: user 3.
Sent on: Wednesday, April 25, 2007, 12:12 PM
I would have to agree!!! 

-----Original Message-----
From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]]On
Behalf Of jackie
Sent: Wednesday, April 25,[masked]:07 PM
To: [address removed]
Subject: Re: [diningout-319] New Event: 6th Meet Up at Three Son's

if the chef was rude, why reschedule? surely some other place
won't be rude to you!

--- Kitty <[address removed]> wrote:


A special announcement from Kitty, Organizer of The Denver
Italian Food Lovers for 20- 35 Year Olds

Announcing a new event for The Denver Italian Food Lovers for
20- 35 Year Olds!

What: 6th Meet Up at Three Son's Restaurant RESCHEDULED

When: Wednesday, May 16, 7:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Event Description: Our meetup that was originally scheduled for
for April 25th has been rescheduled for May 16, 2007 a
Wednesday, at 7pm.  This should give people PLENTY of time to
try and fit it into their schedules. Hope you all can make it!

Eric the chef has created our own menu that includes, minestroni
or traditional wedding soup, salad, bread, and the choice of
Shrimp D., Eggplant Parm (for the vegetarians), Grilled Chicken
on a whine pesto sauce, and a traditional Lasagna dish! Tea,
soda or coffee is included in this price!

The food here is delectable I have been told! I am so sorry
about the mix up. Hope you all can make it!

Learn more here:

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https://diningout....­) from The
Denver Italian Food Lovers for 20- 35 Year Olds.

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This message was sent by jackie (member profile: https://diningout....­) from The Denver Italian Food Lovers for 20- 35 Year Olds.

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