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Thursday's meetup @ Beach House Bar & Grill, Madison Park

From: Jason T.
Sent on: Tuesday, August 30, 2016, 1:49 PM

I've updated this Meetup. For more details, see the full listing:

When: Thursday, September 1,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Beach House Madison Park
[masked]rd Ave East
Seattle, WA

This week we're at Beach House Madison Park, a new Bar & Grill style restaurant with a slightly more ambitious than average menu.

The price range of their food menu runs about $13-30/person for food after tax and tip, with most things near the middle of that range; the more expensive items tend to be seafood dishes, and the cheaper ones are flatbreads (sort of like pizzas). They also have burgers, short rib donburimono, and meal-style salads.

Please remember to bring cash; it usually makes settling the bill easier. We'll go ahead and order separately, but you can share with your neighbors if you like. There's a strong probability we'll receive only one bill with an automatic gratuity. In the unlikely event you're not trained to bring cash by now, you can try paying me via$JasnTru.

Bus access is super simple with route 11. Street parking is generally uncomplicated in Madison Park/Madison Valley and there are no RPZ restrictions that I'm aware of. However, on unusually hot days things can be a bit pricklier in Madison Park, which has a popular beachfront park.

I may not be at pre-kai this week as I have a parent-ish meeting at Kojiro's school that finishes up around 7pm a few blocks up the street. If you are inclined to pre-kai, consider going to The Attic, 4226 E Madison St, just around the corner.

Nijikai may be at the McGilvra's pub on the corner.


This Meetup repeats every week on Thursday.

If the changes affect your plans to attend, please take a moment to update your RSVP. (You can RSVP "No" or "Yes".)

You can always get in touch with me through my group profile on Meetup.

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