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New Meetup: The Ultimate Scavenger Hunt!

From: user 8.
Sent on: Thursday, August 20, 2009, 3:24 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Kansas City Boardgames!

What: The Ultimate Scavenger Hunt!

When: September 19,[masked]:00 AM

Price: $10.00 per person

Westport Flea Market Bar and Grill
817 Westport Rd
Kansas City, MO 64111

The Ultimate Scavenger Hunt is here!

There is no better game than this!

Are you ready to scour the whole city, and parts unknown, to acquire anything and everything for this truly unique hunt?! Are you daring and fearless? Be prepared to look everywhere. Be ready to try anything. Beg, borrow, and steal your way to the finish line with more items than your opponents, and you will win the GRAND PRIZE!

The Hunt:
Your team will be given a list of 100 random items, plus 5 "bonus" items, to acquire. All of these items can be found in and around the Kansas City area, the only limit is you. Some of the items will be physical things, some will be pictures you take to prove your find, and others will be created. How you get them is up to you. We dont expect you to get them all, but if you do, you will get a special bonus!

The Time:
You will have 12 hours to get as many items on the list as you can. We will start at 11am at Westport Flea Market(why here? I love their burgers, and its lunchtime) and end promptly at 11pm, 12 hours later. The ending location will be on your list of items. You may allocate your time as you wish; search for your items, eat, drink, or even sleep away your time, its up to you. All contestants must be at the starting location on time to get their lists, and at the ending location by 11pm to get credit for their items. We will attempt to have a final winner determined by midnight. If youre done(or acquired as much as you could), and arrive early, we will count your items first.

The Teams:
Minimum 2 people to a team; maximum is 4. Team members must state their affiliation when they register to be considered a team; no team swapping midgame. No single players allowed. Picture items must have 1 team member in the picture for "2 person" teams; 2 team members(or more) must be in the picture for "3 and 4 person" teams to get credit for their picture items.

How to Register:
RSVP "yes" on this site; Contact Brent via email with your contact info. I will schedule a day for everyone to pay the entry fee and answer questions(probably Sept 16-17th). You may pay your entry fee at any meetup that I attend/organize in advance(Before Sept 18th), and Ill put you on the roster. You must be registered with entry fee paid to play. Receipts will be given upon request.

The Grand Prize:
All of the money from the entry fees! $$$$! Glory. Respect. Memories of an amazing time. Pictures that will keep you laughing for years...

The Little Details:
-The 100 items will be given point values; you will receive the list with point values clearly stated next to each item.
-Every team gets the same list.
-You may acquire the items in any order that you wish.
-The "bonus" items can only be found in one place, at a specific time during the day; you will be contacted during the day(via phone) and given instructions on where to find these items and how long you have. These items will have an equal, but unknown, value for each team.
-All physical items must fit the description as defined in the list.(ie: vampire teeth- have to resemble fanged, Dracula teeth, but not necessarily be real teeth)
-All picture items must be easily identifiable without enhancements. Take multiple pics if youre not sure. Digital cameras are highly encouraged.
-In the unlikely event of a tie, there will be one pre-selected, final item to be acquired. First team that returns with the item wins.
-All judges decisions on items are final. There will be multiple judges.
-All items only count once for each point value.

This meetup is open to all members, your friends, family, co-workers, and neighbors. I will cross post this event with other groups, advertise on outside outlets, and tell everyone I know-so should you. The more people who join us, the bigger the Grand Prize will be;)

*Disclaimer: All items on the list are optional. If you dont feel that you can acquire them-DONT. When in doubt, obey all applicable laws. Drive safely. Dont run with scissors, dont count your chickens before their hatched, and never, ever, feed a Mogwai after midnight.

Send email inquiries to:[address removed], subject line: scavenger hunt

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