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New Meetup: Surf and Adventure Dinner Paddle to Blue Pete's in Pungo

From: Karen R.
Sent on: Wednesday, May 19, 2010, 10:06 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Hampton Roads Kayaking Meetup!

What: Surf and Adventure Dinner Paddle to Blue Pete's in Pungo

When: Sunday, May 30,[masked]:00 PM

Surf and Adventure
Sandbridge Rd
Virginia Beach, VA 23450

3rd Annual Blue Pete's Dinner Paddle from Surf and Adventure

*** Please note - This is for members with a current membership dues paid ***

In a nutshell - We will meet at Blue Pete's at 3:00pm and shuttle or be shuttled to Surf and Adventure. There we complete registration and get in the boats and paddle to Blue Pete's where we will have dinner and then get in our automobiles and go home. This is a beautiful paddle suitable for beginners. It is about 5miles if I remember correctly. Mostly tandem kayaks so bring someone you love to paddle with! As a group I've negotiated a very reduced rate on the trip. $25.00 (normally $45.00 per person) for a kayak, paddle and pfd. This also includes the pickup of the rental boats.

These rates apply only to Hampton Roads Kayaking members with current Hampton Roads Kayaking Memberhsip dues. You may also bring your own kayak but why lug all that stuff when for $25 bucks it'll all be done for you!

This is a deal if you paddle two people in a tandem. Because we're only being charged $25.00 per boat.

----- We get this rate because I am guiding it myself at no charge to Surf & Adventure. -----

----- Your membership dues must be current.

----- You may use your own kayak. ---

If you use your own kayak there is no fee charged by Surf and Adventure. You will drop your kayak off at Surf and Adventure and then take your vehicle to Blue Pete's to meet the group promptly at 3:00pm.

Please - if you RSVP 'Yes' - I ask that you honor your commitment on this one. Once I have 10 people I will get the details from Surf and Adventure on how to reserve your spot.

This is ALWAYS a great time. Hope you can be part of it.


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