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New Meetup: Guided Ocean Kayak Tour - Sandbridge

From: Karen R.
Sent on: Monday, August 18, 2008, 10:12 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Hampton Roads Kayaking Meetup!

What: Guided Ocean Kayak Tour - Sandbridge

When: August 23,[masked]:00 AM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: There's a guided Ocean Kayak Tour out of Surf and Adventure this Saturday morning at 9:00am I thought some of you might be interested in. This is a novice tour. You will be provided with 12' Ocean Kayak SOT boats. They will most likely be tandems unless you prefer to be by yourself. Paddles and PFDs are also provided.

I will be leading the group. We'll cover basic Ocean safetly, launching in the surf and recovery in the surf. You will be assisted with your launch and recovery. We'll paddle out and along the Ocean side of Back Bay WR and False Cape and return. Being in the morning, your are VERY likely to see dolphins on this tour.

It's a great opportunity to get some ocean paddling experience with the safety of others and a guide. And all the gear is provided. Just bring water and sun screen.

Call Surf and Adventure to make your reservation and let them know you're with the Hampton Roads Meetup Group.

There will be others attending that are not part of Hampton Roads Kayaking.

Just thought I'd let you know. I am already booked to work this gig so I, in no way, benefit from the attendance of group members. Some of you have expressed a desire to try Ocean Kayaking and I thought this would be a good way to try it. Especially if you don't have your own gear and it will be with folks you know. Vacationers do this quite often who have never paddled before.

Cost is $45.00. This is very weather dependent. The guide has the authority to call it off and move the group to the inland waterway tour if the weather is sketchy, there are strong rip currents or the waves are too much for the skill level of the attendees. Your safety is our utmost concern.

You should be comfortable in the water, wear shoes you can get wet and if you tend to be seasick you should take your dramamine pills!

Learn more here:

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