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Jazz Guitar Workshops - Restarting after Easter

From: David
Sent on: Saturday, April 12, 2014, 11:24 AM

Hi everyone,

Just to let you know that tomorrow and next Sunday the workshops are not running. The good news is that we have a new venue for the workshops, the Cockpit Theatre, which is close to Marylebone and Edgware stations. Hopefully the new location will make it easier for some of you to attend.

We are planning for the new sessions to resume after Easter from Sunday 27th April and then continue weekly from 1 - 3 pm. We are just waiting for final confirmation from the studio manager. We'll be in Studio 3 and will need to start and end promptly. There is a nice bar and cafe downstairs which will be open from 12 noon.

Details of how to get to the theatre can be found here -

I will put the all the info on the website as soon as everything is confirmed.

Have a great Easter!

Best wishes,


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