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New Meetup: Broward Lotus Sangha Day of Mindfulness and Chanting Workshop

From: LOTUS S.
Sent on: Sunday, June 15, 2008, 11:28 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Broward Lotus Sangha Buddhist Group!

What: Broward Lotus Sangha Day of Mindfulness and Chanting Workshop

When: June 21,[masked]:00 AM

Where: The Vietnamese Buddhist Monastery in Davie, FL

Meetup Description: The Broward Lotus Sangha
Is pleased to invite you to a
Day of Mindfulness and Chanting Workshop
In the Tradition of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh
Saturday, June 21, 2008
At The Vietnamese Buddhist Monastery in Davie, FL
From 10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.

This Plum Village-style Day of Mindfulness (DOM) and Chanting Workshop will provide a wonderful opportunity for those who want to deepen their mindfulness practice with time for reflection and silence as well as a chance to learn how to chant in the tradition of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. In the morning, we will enjoy periods of sitting and walking meditation, as well as chanting from Th?y Nhat Hanh?s Chanting from the Heart. In the afternoon, we will enjoy Deep Relaxation and Mindful Sharing.

This event is free an open to all practitioners. However, your generosity in providing a donation or Dana for the monastic and lay Sanghas is gratefully accepted and encouraged. Your kind donation to the Sangha or community of practitioners helps us defray the costs associated with this DOM and supports the activities of the Sangha.

Please arrive early so you can relax and absorb the peaceful beauty of the natural surroundings and to help the Sangha set up for the day.

Please respect and appreciate noble silence during the duration of the formal activities of the day. An opportunity for sharing and mindful conversation will be provided towards the end of the DOM.

What to bring:

Your favorite meditation seating arrangement (e.g., meditation cushion, blanket, mat, or back-jack). Chairs and limited number of other seating arrangements will be provided by the Sangha.
A healthy vegetarian dish to share with the Sangha at lunchtime.
Healthy snacks for afternoon tea.
Non-alcoholic beverages such as water, juice and tea.
Your own copy of Thich Nhat Hanh's Chanting from the Heart: Buddhist Ceremonies and Daily Practices if you have it.
In order to be kind to the Earth Mother, we request that you bring your own non-disposable mug or beverage container, plate, bowl, eating and serving utensils, and napkin.

To register, please e-mail Osiris at [address removed]. Directions will be sent to all registered participants. Please register as soon as possible. Space is limited.

To learn more about the Broward Lotus Sangha and this event, click here

To learn more about Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh and his tradition, click here

A Lotus Flower To You,
Broward Lotus Sangha

In the Tradition of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh

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