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Re: OWASP Melbourne - an introduction to Android application penetration testing

From: Julian B.
Sent on: Tuesday, November 26, 2013, 12:28 PM
Hello Melbourne Java devs!

Im a developer in Melbourne with a keen interest in security. Kon and myself believe this might be of interest to you:

On the 6th of December Serg and I are hosting a meetup where we are lucky enough to have James Kearney talk to us about Android application security!

The presentation walks through a standard Android penetration test. Focussing on environment setup, the tools used for Android application analysis, and common scenarios and findings on Android applications.

So I encourage you all to come along. What a good way to spend a Friday night! Learning how to hack Android apps with free pizza and beer!!



On 26 November[masked]:25, Julian Berton <[address removed]> wrote:
Hello Melbourne Java devs!

Im a developer in Melbourne with a keen interest in security. Kon and myself believe this might be of interest to you:

On the 6th of December we are hosting a meetup where we are lucky enough to have James Kearney talk to us about Android application security!

The presentation walks through a standard Android penetration test. Focussing on environment setup, the tools used for Android application analysis, and common scenarios and findings on Android applications.

So I encourage you all to come along. What a good way to spend a Friday night! Learning how to hack Android apps with free pizza and beer!!



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