What we’re about
CLICK HERE to see our main meetup events calendar[ http://www.socialfundation.com](http://www.socialfundation.com)
The mission of this group is its name.
This group is the 'little sister' group to "I Wanted to do that." It will have only the key signature events of that group without an of the outside event organizers.
This group is for anyone who loves travel. Whether you just want to go somewhere down the street or the other side of the world, come join us as we explore options of travel. Do you want an adventure? Visit museums? Go on sightseeing tours? Go shopping? Try a new restaurant or revisit your favorite ones? Watch a concert or sporting event?.
We welcome everyone and all things travel. Be prepared to tell us where you've been; where you would like to go next; who you would like to go with; and what you would like to do.
The mission of this group is its name.
. . . . . Have you ever wanted to do a road trip but did not have people to join you?
. . . . . . Have you ever wanted to do a complicated overseas trip and wanted a travel buddy (or buddies) to help you plan and go with you?
. . . . . . Have you ever wanted to go camping but all the camping and hiking groups are all too hardcore and you want simple car camping?
It will be a friendly group of like minded geeks and nerdy travelers who share a passion for visiting local or long distance destinations, or for those thinking about travel or world travel for the first time.
The aim will be to meet monthly for drinks in the city. The objective is to make new friends, share travel stories, tips and thoughts about exciting places that we've visited, or plan to visit in the near future and to remind ourselves why people who travel the world are such good fun to be around.
There will not be presentations, slide shows and we will not allow commercial ventures to be pushed on you. Travel companies looking to promote their commercial services won't be here. This is aimed at populist travel. As leads . . . . we will make sure to steer when needed.
Meet Ups are based upon your personal interaction with other members within the group. There is no formal meeting agenda for these events. However you prefer to travel, we hope to see you at an event soon.
Seriously . . . let's post a road trip!!!
This is a non-commercial, social travel group. Promotion of goods, services or the solicitation of Members at Meet Ups, through the Meet Up messaging portal, Message Boards or via this website in any other way, by commercial organizations, non-commercial organizations, or by individuals is contrary to the spirit of the group and will result in expulsion from the group at the sole discretion of the group leadership. Message Board solicitations may be deleted by the Organizer without notice.
This group aims to be positive and safe environment for members to experience things that, for whatever reasons, you longed for but weren't able to do before. Everyone is welcome.
Los Angeles is vibrant and diverse city. We have the opportunity to explore it and make new friends while doing so. Meetup is one of the few (maybe only) websites dedicated to having it's participants get offline and do things in reality.
There are no strangers here; Only friends you haven't yet met. (William Butler Yeats )
This is a place where everyone can just come as they are, and mingle with people who are like them AND who are NOT like them. We are not limited, restricted or exclusive by age, gender, gender preference, national origin, relationship status, etc. To put it more simply this group is open to all. All ages, all genders, all sexual orientations, all types - And that includes you!!!
There are plenty of meetups that exclude based of one reason or another. Or there plenty meetups where people self segregate. This meetup is neither of those. Diversity is coveted here. People are not monochrome and neither are we. You will fit in perfectly and find a lot of folks who just like you in certain aspect, and differ from you in others. It's the good kind of variety of life.
Some events on this group may specify limits at times. Those will be clearly noted when needed. At times they may be age delineated, or even gender related. Limits are placed often as a means to control size. The event can then be repeated/recycled with a different limit range. If there is an event you really wish to go to with a limit, . . . please contact me. You can be the impetus and the catalyst for the next event in the different limit/range. Other times the limit can be waived or bent as needed.
Challenge yourself and importantly, BE yourself and expand your horizons and comfort zone. Let your hair down! Go wild! Be open minded and be non-judgmental. The group is based off quality events to bring people together from positive social interaction. Anyone who wants to explore an alternative, bohemian, experimental, strange, obscure, weird, wild, absurd, bizarre, avant garde, unconventional, wild-at-heart side of Los Angeles is welcome!
In the interest of making events successful . . . I will spread events across other meetup groups to bump up attendance. For as you know, . . . sometimes people don't show up. Some Organizers get really bent out of shape about that. I do however know that life happens. Even if it's 10 mins before the event. Just change your rsvp. No worries. No harm-no foul. There is not any sort strikes or penalty system, and there is nobody keeping score. The exception will be if it is listed as a "no flake" event. On those you gotta give good notice of changes. It's about fun and community. What I have found is that by being mellow and and having good events more show up. We tend to have 80% or more attendance. I approach with compassion. So if you don't make one event or another. . . try and make it to the next, or the one after that. When you do make it, .. . . we will be glad you are there and all are welcome.
Here are the basics of group rules.
Do NOT contact members who you have not met in real life.
Avoid Put Downs.
Speak For Yourself.
Listen To Others.
You Have The Option To Pass.
Expect Unfinished Business.
While there are flexible attendance rules. There are sex/gender related rules. As a guideline do not message people you have not met in person. This is not an online dating place. Ladies: If a guy messages you please contact me. There have been problems with that happening over meetup in general. It's just not cool. Meetup is about real life and not virtual. Guys, . . . get off your computer and come to an event. Say hello in person. Smile, . . . be personable and decent. And just be there to get to know people and make friends of whatever gender. You can always use new good friends. And this is one way to make/meet them. Wingman tactics and and Pickup artist tactics are similarly not allowed in this group. Organizers of another group that are not an organizer or host here are also not allowed to solicit members.
The rest of the rule are just good ways to live and be.
Photo and Name: You are allowed to join with whatever name and whatever photo. HOWEVER the main organizers may request you change either name or photo a their discretion. Names that are products, promotional, advertisements are red flags that will be requested to change or be removed. If you are using a photo that is not your face, a current face photo may be requested. Here is the rule of thumb. Fake name and fake photo will be requested to change to a real photo and a real name or face removal. Real photo and fake name is usually fine. Fake photo and real name is usually fine.
IF you need to maintain privacy of both then contact the main organizers and just ask. That's all it takes usually.
All organizers on the group do have different set of rules.
The rules simplified.
• No Emailing (do not use the bulk email feature in any way)
• No outside links
• Great Copy
• Great Pix
• 4 weeks notice is best.
• List any money costs in the first 2 or 3 lines.
Not too many rules. Not too complicated. They all have to do with respect for the membership.
Let's talk a little more about age: Are you in your 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s ? (btw some write 20's 30's 40's 50's 60's 70's 80's 90's ). I am often asked "What age range is this group?" 20 40 maybe? 30 50 perhaps? Or even 60 70. Forties ( forty's forty ), Fifties ( fifty's fifty ) of sixties ( sixty's sixty ) or older does matter. 24-39 3000 20+ 30+ 50+ 60+ & under or over. We are just aiming at good community.
Yeah, . . . All that is great, . . . But I still have one question, . . . What age is your group?
Age is a state of mind. And our state (this group) has no borders.
If so then you may be looking for us!
We do NOT discriminate by age, sex or gender, gender preference, origin, religion, belly button lint, etc . . . .
Do you enjoy friendship, activities, key networking, casual socializing, parties learning, sharing, inspiration? You do!?!?! How about personal and professional development with active nerd adult ( adults ) who like adventure ( adventurers, adventures, adventurous ) stuff that may involve silly dance game ( games ) and cool nerds with addicting, amazing fun? Great!!!! There will be sweet things to discover while engaging in retro revival underground unique geeky exploration of fringe play plus speed punk quirky sophisticated spectacular geek socials with high society making savvy friends. It will be an offbeat odyssey of an outing to nerdy paradise and we will party at random places (see locations below). Come and share fine no flake ( flakes ) fun that is free or inexpensive and goes late into the lovely night. Left, right or center, we will live life together and enjoy.
We do some sports related events. Are you interested in teammates players for your sport or hobby? Such as bowling, trivia, camping, biking, hike, hikes, hiking, snowboarder, snowboarding, ski, skiing, kayaking? Or even related to bmi, exercise, fitness, healthy, lock pong, recreation, recreational, outdoor, york Halloween, mammoth mountain, St Patrick's, Ensenada, un scrabble solitaire poker or more!!! We run the range.
A bigger majority of what we are cultural ( culture ), language, travel, music, arts, festival, performance, crave, dining, exotic, restaurant, food, foodie, architecture, art, artistic, urban, or ballet. But it does not stop there. We also do comedy, concert ( concerts ), cook, cooking, theater, theatre, culinary, cultural, tours, sub-culture, subculture sponge ( sponges ), performances, dances, dancing, museums, musical ( musicals ), bars, foodies, dinner, dinning, bbq, beach, restaurants, trips, cruise ( cruises ), cuisine. And even with all that we still to even more!!! Including, flea n farmer (farmers) market ( markets ), boutique, burlesque, crafting, craft, create, creating, sushi, pho, pizza, tastings, tickets, kim chi, tai kimchi, deserts, eating, festivals, film, films, galleries, games, karaoke, movies, sutra kama karma.And now the important question. Did we miss one? Oh. . . OK then, . . Send that so we can add it to the list.
Aside from the High Brow we do engage in the Low Brow such as wine, beer, drink, bar hopping, dive bars ( dives ), rave ( raver ravers raves raving ), hip-hop hiphop, hole holes-in-walls, crawl crawls, trance techno, dubstep, night nightclub, nightlife, nights. As well as classic club clubbing, clubs eclectic, edm electro electronica, pubs, pub speak, speakeasy, drinks, meet meeting mix mixer mixers mixing, greet, happy hour hours haunts, Did somebody say volunteer mingle? Let's DoLA or make a Timeout and TimeoutLA. LAist anyone?
So the High Brow and the Low Brow get together and make up THE KNOW BROW and that is all about people and who makes us up.
By ethnicity we very much match the instagram ethnic makeup of Los Angeles with Caucasian and Non Hispanic Whites, Latino, Black or African American, Native American,Asian, Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander and others such as Middle Eastern such as Arab or Israeli, and many more from across the global atlas.
Different than ethnicity is Nationality, or National Origin. And again . . . from that we run the range European, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Pacific Islander, Indian, Taiwanese (Taiwan), Thai, Vietnamese, Chinese ( China, Cantonese, Mandarin ), Hong Kong Mexican ( Mexico ), and more and more. Even USC or UCLA
And that makes for sooooooooo many languages. We like language and the culture it is able to unlock It brings English, Spanish second ESL and ELL and ASL are big here. Hebrew, Yiddish, German, French, And the gamut of others to translate ( translation translator ) with class (classes).
Tolerance is a main tenet here as we are Christian ( Catholic, Mormon, etc), Jewish (Jew Jews), Muslim, Sikh, Hindu, Buddhist, tech Scientology and more. And even Republican, Conservative, Liberal, Democrat, Libertarian, Bernie / BernieCrat, or even Trump or Trumpian or Scientologist. This is a big tent and since it's decent social we will all be decent.
What it comes down to is we are making new friends ( friend freind freinds ) and to be friendly. Almost like finding your entourage Made up of Men (man men's mens) and women ( woman women's ) and non-binary too. Members may be young or old, married, single ( divorce divorced separated and never married ) or coupled (couple as part of a committed relationship / relationships ). Many are likely singles and looking to date in one way or another. Going on dates or dating is fine. But it does NOT happen via using the group like Tinder, Match.com, POF or eharmony.
This group is about real life. So online messaging of people you have not met in real life is not allowed. Why such a rule?
Because it is heterosexist of you to assume that all people are interested in you. Like is says above there are married or those in committed relationships. There is is also the range of sexual preference in the group. Gay, lesbian girls lgbt lgbtq queer bi poly swing swinger swinging and any sort of variation such as transsexual and transgender. We do accept all. Even rs40 and rso40. We do NOT accept SpeedDating or Speedating or whatever you call it. It's forbidden.
Whoever you find cute, hot, sexy or find attraction to that comes in person. Plenty a match and romance or spark may happen. You may find your love (or lover). But you also may just make great friends girlfriend ( girlfriends ). It's just down to good decent social. Conscious communication and engagement that makes for self-improvement and improvement of others. Conversation and network or networking of professionals. That's just smart l33t leet api entrepreneur groupting that will lead to inspirational international consciousness.
We just added Game of Thrones GOT and The Walking Dead viewing parties.
Where do you do events? We do them ALL OVER!!!! I have taken the time to look at past events and the cities they have happened in and near and put it together with the upcoming location too. Our groups IS different, . . . we DO range all over the city. Here are where we HAVE BEEN, and where we are GOING!! All of it is obscure or obscura.
So I have gone in great detail to cover who we are and what we do. This is accurate and verifiable by going to our past events and looking that what we have done. This is all fact based on the breadth, scope and mission of this group.
If you have made it this far. Then watch this and then, . . .get off social media and on meetup. The social part of social media. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEWnXmDfVZg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEWnXmDfVZg)
This group is also very Reddit and Redditor affiliated. As such redditors events will be doing activities that do involve meme memes dank redidit subeddit snu snoo lurker boardgames board gaming gamer video cardgames card cards against humanity computers anime internet upvote downvote vote secret santa harry potter wow world warcraft karma programming digg cheap low cost nsfw league legends wtf youtube hearthstone twitch csgo narwhals bacon bacons midnight overwatch lol bernie sanders front page reddiyt r/all homepage android apple iphone mac samsung s6 s7 s8 r mobile funny dota dota2 nba politics discussion pokemon aww askreddit app apps comicon comic con convention disneyland disney diy diablo rams dodgers raiders cosplay star trek wars trekkie scifi sci-fi science fiction gif troll thrones got comment comments ama til today i learned ask me anything steam pc independent yorker independents artemis jackbox jack box com firefly serenity citizen& something comedy urban nightlife foodies friendship sierra wine food drinks dining american ny karaoke
And the other members will have events involving cuisine recreation organizations snowboarding recreational fitness pubs eating culinary consciousness psychology philosophy growth conversation snowboarder theatre theater performances movies films creating galleries museums speak easy speakeasy opening nights music film festivals dancing street performance literature hikes greet tastings tours crawls outdoor activities beer * " ! +
Upcoming events (4+)
See all- Got Questions about Japan/Everest Base Camp/Galapagos/Machu Picchu? Let's Talk!Link visible for attendees
This Zoom Overseas Q & A is a monthly event.
Video Link: https://meet.google.com/irp-rnyi-fgb No software or download needed. Just open in a browser.
The date gets moved right before the event occurs. This way all the links posted to events keep working.
We have some truly EPIC Overseas events ahead. And Epic Adventure leads to Copious Questions.
To solve that . . . Let's Talk! Join us for a Q & A Zoom where you can ask all your Q's and get all your A's.
6:00 to 7:30pm PST is Q & A about our Overseas Events.
Such as Costa Rica, Japan Fall Colors, Angkor Wat, Everest Base Camp, Meetup On The Orient Express, Machu Picchu, Spain and Portugal...7:30 to 9pm PST Is about camping stuff. Newbie Q's. Gear. Food. Camping Tips.
Including Q & A and about specific local trips/events.Click Here for the The Local Events and Beginner Camping ZOOM event
To join the zoom FILL OUT THIS GOOGLE FORM and/or RSVP to this event. We will email direct on the day of, to remind you.
What to talk about? Most of the convo will be on the following:
Mar 07-17, 2025 Galapagos Islands Expedition
Apr 25-May 11, 2025 Everest Base Camp Yoga Trek
May 15-28, 2025 Meetup on Orient Express
Jun 28-Jul 11, 2025 Spain and Portugal with Running of the Bulls!
Aug 10-20, 2025 MACHU PICCHU! via Short Inca Trail or Train!!
Aug 10-20, 2025 The Salkantay Trek EPIC MACHU PICCHU!
Sep 12-21, 2025 Bali & Singapore Journey
Oct 12-23, 2025 Jordan: Dana to Petra Trek with Wadi Rum
Oct 19-31, 2025: Petra to the Pyramids. Dead Sea, Sphinx & Nile
Feb 08-18, 2026 Northern Lights. A Scandinavian Odyssey!
Feb 28-Mar 11, 2026 India's Golden Triangle with HOLI and Dubai
Mar 29-Apr 09, 2026 Cherry Blossoms in Japan
Jun 18-27, 2026 Mt Kilimanjaro Trek! One of the 7 Summits
Jun 27-Jul 06, 2026 Serengeti Photo Safari! Africa’s Best Wildlife ShowTo receive detailed itinerary on ANY of our events . . . CLICK HERE to fill out our google form.
Our events are all very safe, fun, curated, and organized.
Questions about Hotels, Flights, Meals, Museums, Power Plugs, Converters, Money Conversion or whatever!!
All the folks currently signed on to our events are invited to come and ask all the Q's and get all the deets they want to. They will also get them in writing too, but we know a lot of folks rather a face and voice compared to an email. It's that whole human interaction thing!
**To join the zoom FILL OUT THIS GOOGLE FORM **We will email direct on the day of to remind you.
- Featured International Meetup Trips for 2025 & 2026Link visible for attendees
Overseas travel takes a lot of planning in advance. Flights, Time-off, dog sitters . . . Here are our Featured International/Overseas Events so you have the time to get things planned to be able to join.
Mar 07-17, 2025 Galapagos Islands Expedition
Apr 25-May 11, 2025 Everest Base Camp Yoga Trek
May 15-28, 2025 Meetup on Orient Express
Jun 28-Jul 11, 2025 Spain and Portugal with Running of the Bulls!
Aug 10-20, 2025 MACHU PICCHU! via Short Inca Trail or Train!!
Aug 10-20, 2025 The Salkantay Trek EPIC MACHU PICCHU!
Sep 12-21, 2025 Bali & Singapore Journey
Oct 12-23, 2025 Jordan: Dana to Petra Trek with Wadi Rum
Oct 19-31, 2025: Petra to the Pyramids. Dead Sea, Sphinx & Nile
Feb 08-18, 2026 Northern Lights. A Scandinavian Odyssey!
Feb 28-Mar 11, 2026 India's Golden Triangle with HOLI and Dubai
Mar 29-Apr 09, 2026 Cherry Blossoms in Japan
Jun 18-27, 2026 Mt Kilimanjaro Trek! One of the 7 Summits
Jun 27-Jul 06, 2026 Serengeti Photo Safari! Africa’s Best Wildlife ShowDo you have questions on ANY of the above?
What to do next?
How to attend?
What to pack?
What's included and not included?
Or any question you might have!!!The most simple thing is to send a meetup message to https://secure.meetup.com/messages/?new_convo=true&member_id=273063881
In your message say which one and we can get the ball rolling from there and get you info.
The other easy way is to fill out our form. You can check-box several events that way.
https://forms.gle/cQdqYw74gAYqphXX8ALSO . . .
We have a monthly Q & A video conference call to answer it all!
Rsvp on this event and join us on the listed date at 6pm Pacific time.
Here is the link to join https://meet.google.com/irp-rnyi-fgbRSVP here and we will send you a reminder too!!
- Updates for CAMPING. AND Newbie/First Timer/Seasoned Question and AnswerLink visible for attendees
This Zoom Local Events/Beginner Camping Q & A is a monthly event.
Video Link: https://meet.google.com/irp-rnyi-fgb No software or download needed. Just open in a browser.
We have some fun and social Local Camping events ahead. And Epic Adventure leads to Copious Questions.
To solve that . . . Let's Talk! Join us for a Q & A Zoom where you can ask all your Q's and get all your A's.
6:00 to 7:30pm PST is Q & A about or Overseas Events.
Such as Machu Picchu, Everest Base Camp or Meetup On The Orient Express7:30 to 9pm PST Is about Local Events, Local Trips, and Camping stuff. Newbie Q's. Gear. Food. Etc and Camping Trips. Including Q & A and about specific local trips/events.
Click Here for The Overseas Companion event Zoom
To join the zoom FILL OUT THIS GOOGLE FORM and/or RSVP to this event. We will email direct on the day of to remind you.
What to talk about? On the group we have a TON of good camping spanning the year.
Most all of them are PERFECT for First Timers.
AND first timers (and others) have questions.
and more!Our events are all very safe, civilized, curated, and organized. We often use private sites in private property. They have better amenities. Such as Grass Sites, Flush Restrooms, Free Hot Showers, Pool, Cafe or other cool and neat added bonuses.
Of course not all the sites have all these items.
Find out what you may need to bring (spoiler alert: Most is household stuff you already have).
*ASL interpret is available
*Hablamos Español, y other languages
*Certified Wilderness First Responder
*Certified Wilderness First Aid
*Certified CPR/AED
*Certified epinephrine auto-injector
*Covid-Safe eventsWe create and promote a safe and fun environment for all.
Adventures that are safe and fun at quality private site with amenities. We welcome all, and that includes you!
In addition we also have some informational pages you may want to look at and review.
- Click Here for General Policies Including: Notice of Non-Discrimination, General Refunds Policy, Cancelation Policies as well as General Liability and Safety Policies/Procedures/Practices
- Click Here for Covid guidelines
- Click Here for Carpool Info
- Click Here for Newbie Camping Advice All things GEAR
- Click Here for Newbie Camping Advice All things FOOD
We believe in good decent social. We have a set of sister group we post our local free, local/regional camping, and our overseas events to.
NOTE: We do not discriminate by age, gender, gender preference, ethnicity, race, color, national origin, disability or family status.
[Click Here] To see all our other events]
- Poppy Bloom in Antelope Valley. AND Hockney, Llano and Devil's Punchbowl201 S Front St, Burbank, CA
The bloom for 2024 is not ready yet. AND . .. I am not available to lead a Poppies Road Trip past the weekend of 4-13
The weekend of 4-13 is projected as rain and cold. Not good for causing blooms. Needs to be dry and warmer.
Carrizo Pain will be Rain.
Lancaster . . . they have just not bloomed.I did ask if a group member was willing to be lead in my place. I have had no takers. As such this event is being moved to next year.
We will try again then.If you have never been here before . . . it worth seeing.
If you have been before . . . it's time to revisit.
Let's get to the event date first . . . The poppies bloom anywhere from Feb to May.
At the moment we are aiming for April 14th
https://ktla.com/news/california/southern-california-poised-for-another-wildflower-superbloom/amp/Or https://www.desertusa.com/wildflo/wildupdates.html
We'll walk some or most of the 8 miles of trails--not all of it.
Each spring, the Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve comes alive with the seasonal surprises of the Mojave Desert Grassland habitat. The duration and intensity of colors and scents vary from year to year. The wildflower season generally lasts from as early as mid-February through late May,
Parking Fees
$10 per vehicle
$9 per vehicle with a senior on board (62 and over)
$5 per vehicle with DPR Disabled Discount Card (see below)Be prepared for wicked strong winds and bring sunblock! The desert temperatures can vary widely and change suddenly, so bring layers for unpredicted changes in weather.
Dogs are NOT allowed on trails or in the visitor center (just like any California Sate Park)
Whether you most enjoy expansive fields or the close-up study of a single flower, this is the place to visit.
Location - Directions The Reserve is located 15 miles west of Lancaster at 15101 Lancaster Road.
From Highway 14: Take the Avenue I exit and head west 15 miles. Avenue I becomes Lancaster Road.
From I-5: Take Hwy 138 east and turn right on 170th Street West. Make a left at the end, onto Lancaster Road. Follow the road two miles.
Carpool? YES!!!!
We will meet at the meet time and address. That location is a designated Park & Ride. It is a free lot that has roving security in the area. So it's safe to leave your car for the day.
We meet and then re-shuffle to then pool and caravan to the Poppies.
Why this location as meet-point? It's rather central. And just off the 5 . . . the main freeway we need to take to get there.
Carpool to our meetpoint? Sure. Post in the comments on the main group posting.
This is a free hiking event that take a little more work to make happen than a quickie local thing. This is not local in-town. As such you will drive to and meet there. OR you will use the carpool info sent a week before to work on setting up a carpool.
To attend this event:
- RSVP on this event (then)
- Click Here and fill out our Attendees google form
The form is a safety thing. If you do not fill it out. You will not be hiking with us.
Got questions?
Click Here to send a Direct Message to Marc (screen name Oddie)Other notable hiking we have planned:
AFTER the poppies . . . the plan is to go to the location where Hockney shot his photo. It is 45 min away at 126th and Pearblossom . . . Standing on 126th looking south.
Then go the 200 feet to Llano Del Rio and poke in the ruins (again) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Llano_del_Rio
https://www.lancastermoah.org/single-post/the-llano-del-rio-cooperative-colonyThen drive up to Devils Punchbowl
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Devil%27s_Punchbowl_(Angeles_National_Forest)Hike or just view it. It's up to you.
NOTICE: For our events we do not discriminate by Age, Gender, Gender Preference, Ethnicity, National Origin, Race, Color, Religion, or even Belly Button Lint.