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Camping Trips: Newbie/First-Timer Gear Hint, Tip, Tricks and Ideas

Photo of Anna B.
Hosted By
Anna B. and Oddie
Camping Trips: Newbie/First-Timer Gear Hint, Tip, Tricks and Ideas


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Newbie Camping Advice All things GEAR

Newbie Camping Advice All things FOOD

This Event is Gear for First-Timer/Newbies Gear

The general idea and theme is: You don't need to get a bunch of specialty gear. MOST is stuff you already have and just household stuff. The only truly special thing you need is Tent. We will revisit that AT THE VERY BOTTOM

Breaking this up into parts will make it all easier to manage:

  1. The Basics of Camping Equipment List

  2. Clothing and Layers

  3. The Basics Camping Equipment List
    Camp Chair
    Sleeping bag
    Sleeping Pad (yoga mat) (Air mattress)
    2 liters of water (for your backpack to hike)
    Lip stuff, Skin Stuff and Sun stuff (chapstick, sunscreen and bug juice)
    Bathing suit (A second pair of shorts works for this too)
    Flashlight and extra batteries. Headlight is the bomb!!
    Fork and spoon (this goes with gear an not food stuff)
    Rain poncho (55 gallon trash bag works for this)
    Towel ( this can also be rolled up and then your pillow)
    Battery Back up for your phone. Portable Battery Charger.
    (optional ) Ice Chest/Cooler


At LEAST two liters of water. Sun, Skin and Lip stuff. Hat. Some extra layers for if the weather changes OR you are out later than you expect. Light jacket is good. A lighter. Flashlight (always good to have)(and extra batteries)Battery backup for your phone. Enough food for TWO lunches. (again . . if you are out later than you expect)Some extra food bars hidden inside your bag. Poncho or large trash bag (rain can happen anytime)Umbrella. This is NOT for rain . . . but rather for SUN. Seriously . . . bring one. You will thank me later for this trick.

  1. Clothing and Layers
    Temps expected at mid 80's in the day. And 50s at night.

Very simple . . . . Bring what you need for three days. The key is LAYERS. You add and remove as temp goes up or down.

Bring a mix or warm and cold needs. You are only going for two or three days. Totally ok to wear same pants again and again.
A mix of shorts, pants, tights.
T-shirts, long sleeve, sweat shirts, sweater, jacket.
Extra socks
Footgear that works for you. Sturdy Soles needed
Sandals (optional)
BRING SUNSCREEN (and use it). Bring a wide brim hat.

To Recap . . .. Most of the gear and clothes is stuff you have. Food is not as complicated. Go simple and you will be fine. Civilization is close if needed.

NOW . . . to circle back to Tent. This is the only "specialized" equipment you need. Big 5 has constant sales. Target, Costco, Walmart have them too.
. . . your parents or friends have one that is sitting in the garage. Or your kids do. Just borrow it.
I suggest Goodwill (or any other thrift shop) Tents are usually there. Save TON doing that.

Sleeping Bag. They have those inexpensive at Goodwill too. Several Fluffy Blankets from the couch will substitute as sleeping bag.

I do not recommend you rent tent or bag for this. You will spend more to rent than you will getting at a thrift shop.

What's that? You want lists of what to bring?

Here are overkill lists

Come alone and leave with friends.
Come with friends and leave with more friends.

AND/OR if you have questions?

For Marc (screen name Oddie) Direct Message


We do a Local Camping Zoom Q & A (every other) Wed 7:30 PM
Meet others attending, be social, or come and get any questions answered.

Google Form to get Reminder for the zoom

Come to the zoom and ask any questions. Great way to get the info you want without all the other fluff. As well as meet other attendees.

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