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Total 5 spots Reopened for Both Bus & Carpool Option for This Wkend Killington Trip

From: Jack W
Sent on: Wednesday, December 18, 2013, 2:35 PM

Dear All

Good news! Two "Indiivdual Queen Bed" + bus spots have been reopened. You will need to take the bus if booking this spot. Save $20 total if taking both spots (I will refund you). Please book it before 4 pm today.To purchase ticket with bus option, click here: You can also Chase Quickpay me at [address removed] to avoid transaction fee & note you purchased bus option tickets.

Also, another two "Indiivdual Queen Bed" with carpool option have been reopened. You Save $20 total if taking both spots (I will refund you $20). Please book it before 4 pm today. Once book, I will arrange carpool for you. We have plenty carpool spots left. To purchase ticket with carpool option, click here: You can also Chase Quickpay me at [address removed] to avoid transaction fee & note you carpool option tickets, & I will arrange carpool for you.

Hope to see you at the trip!


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