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TGIS! It's like Christmas time, but in February...

From: Casey A.
Sent on: Sunday, February 10, 2013, 11:56 AM

Hi everybody,

Since the OC Tech Startup group just passed 700 members, we figured it was time to give back to you and our growing community.

Get 20% off Startup Weekend Orange County by using the word "FRIEND" in the discount area when registering: REGISTER HERE <= Click that soon; it always sells out!

What? SWOC 4.0
Where? Chapman University
When? March 1-3, 2013
Why? Because life is too short to work at a boring company.
Who? You!

We have an amazing lineup of speakers, judges, mentors, and prizes provided by local startups, business, and our national sponsors, such as Amazon.

Want to attend, sponsor, promote, or help out, but have questions? Email us: [address removed]

Come sign up to join us on March 1-3 before it sells out again!

And please promote it to your friends and followers to help grow the Orange County startup scene: TWEET THIS


Casey Armstrong & Nicole Provansal

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