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From: Neil K.
Sent on: Monday, July 3, 2017, 8:13 PM

Hi all,

The First Move for Mental Health Charity Bike Ride will take place at Laurel Acres Park in Mount Laurel, NJ on Sunday, September 10th, 2017.  All proceeds will benefit the Mental Health Association in Southwestern New Jersey. 

The Mental Health Association in Southwestern New Jersey is a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to improving the public's understanding of mental health while decreasing the stigma associated with this topic. This mission is accomplished through education, advocacy, and community outreach.

There are options for a 5 mile route, a 25 mile route, and a 50 mile route.

OCSJ members will receive $15 off the registration fee. Please e mail me, Neil Kornhauser to get the special code for the reduced registration fee.

Please visit:  for more information

This is not an OCSJ sponsored event.

Thank you so much,


[address removed]