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New Meetup: Bay to Breakers

From: Kelly
Sent on: Wednesday, April 21, 2010, 11:28 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Outer Richmond Hangout Meetup!

What: Bay to Breakers

When: Sunday, May 16,[masked]:00 AM

Price: $42.00 per person

Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)

Boston has its Marathon... Pamplona has the bulls... New Orleans has Mardi Gras...

San Francisco has the ING Bay to Breakers 12k

The 99-year old ING Bay to Breakers 12k takes tens of thousands of participants from the northeast end of the downtown area near The Embarcadero (the "bay" side of the city) to the west end of the city and the "breakers" of Ocean Beach. The 7.46 mile (12 kilometer) race features world-class athletes in addition to costumed runners and 'fun-loving' folks out for a great day of running and walking through San Francisco.

I've only watched the race, but haven't participated who wants to get a quirky group together in costumes and walk it!? Then we can finish it off with festivities on Ocean Beach (here's where the "Outer Richmond" part comes in.

The only catch is that we have to pay to register :(
But groups of 10+ get a discount of $42/person.

If you're interested in putting a group together, RSVP "Yes" and send your group theme idea. If we get at least 10 people confirmed, I'll send more details.

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