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Re: [Peachtree-City-Ladies-Bunko-Group] Potential date change for Halloween Bunko... need feedback please

From: Ashleigh R.
Sent on: Tuesday, October 8, 2013, 9:17 AM

Ashleigh can't attend the 19th but can do the 26th
On Monday, October 7, 2013, karen rands wrote:

At the September Bunko we tentatively chose Oct 19th (Saturday) as our date for Halloween Bunko.

Saturday to avoid HS football conflicts and to give everyone more time to dress in costume.

An alternative date has been proposed of Oct 26th, for a variety or reasons, but namely so Karen (me) can attend.

If the people that had planned to attend don't have a conflict with moving it to the 26th and it doesn't adversly effect getting enough RSVPs, we will set the date for then.

It will end in time for people to go to other parties that might be planned that same night. Bunko will be at Julie Brooks house, in Tyrone (not very far, but not a golf cart ride)

So please respond:

Prefer 19th
Prefer 26th
Doesn't matter
Not planning on attending anyway.




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