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What we’re about

Welcome to the Denver See Like a Photographer group!

<br>This group, which was originally started by Erik Holladay, has been transferred to Bryan Lopez and Dale Ralph effective October 2021.<br>

This group is all about photographers helping photographers. Everyone is welcome to join. There are many other groups, clubs and resources available that cover the basics. Therefore, the content of this group will be tailored more toward intermediate to advanced photographers. Events and subjects to be covered within this group will be determined by the members as this group belongs to the membership, and we want an open flow of information and ideas.

We are all artists and creators and see the world differently. Come with an open mind and the desire to learn. We welcome all types of photography. Activities include, but are not limited to monthly critique sessions, in-person meetup activities, classes and mentoring.</br>

<br>There are associated costs with running this Meetup group. One of our goals is to keep member costs to the minimum needed to cover hard costs. We are going to initially charge annual dues in the amount of $10 per year. We are also asking members, where possible, to contribute their expertise in one or more photo-related subjects once a year by:

Running an event

Leading a class

Mentoring members

Providing tips, etc.


<br>Other than recovering Meetup costs, we expect all activities to be free for all members. We may occasionally hold an event at a location that charges admission. In this case, each member will be responsible for their own cost of admission.


This is a friendly and open place to improve your photography and post-processing skills while helping and encouraging others to improve their craft.

Questions? Message us or email us at

See you soon!

Bryan Lopez and Dale Ralph

Upcoming events (3)

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