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What we’re about

Boat owners and non-boat owners, singles and couples are welcome! You don't need to be an experienced sailor, but want to get out on the water. (We don't offer sailing instruction but can point you in the right direction for that.) During the sail season, the Club hosts a number of day sails and weekend sails at area lakes (mostly Chatfield or Cherry Creek). Three-day weekend sails may take us to Granby, Dillon, and Pueblo, as well as McConaughy in Nebraska and Glendo in Wyoming. Check out our website for more information about membership and events at!

Salty Dog Sailing Club of Denver is a Colorado not-for-profit group of adults interested in sailing and socializing with others who share their love of sailing. This Denver-area sailing club has been around for decades and boasts a membership of several dozen (most of whom are not on Meetup). 

The mission of the Salty Dog Sailing Club (SDSC) is to unite boat owners and lessors and crew for fun sailing and social events.  As club members share sailing knowledge and experience in helpful and respectful ways, all event participants can enhance sailing skills in a fun and supportive environment. 

Salty Dog members and friends also organize blue water (ocean) charter sails in the Caribbean, the Mediterranean, and other offshore destinations. When we're not sailing, we host a variety of fun events on shore throughout the year---dining, skiing, theater, cultural excursions, zip lining, hiking, skiing, miniature golf, and dinner, etc.
You can get information on the SDSC and membership requirements at