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Upcoming Workshop on Shadow, Relationships and Career

From: Jeff E.
Sent on: Wednesday, June 5, 2013, 12:46 PM

"We find that by opening the door to the shadow realm a little, and letting out various elements a few at a time, relating to them, finding use for them, negotiating, we can reduce being surprised by shadow sneak attacks and unexpected explosions.

- Clarissa Pinkola Estes


Hello All,

This Saturday, June 8th I'm co-leading a workshop in Lafayette using hypnosis, NLP, and family constellation to explore the shadow side of our relationships and career choices.  Here's a link to the Meet-up page:

Shadow Side of Relationships and Career Workshop


"Shadow Work" is the process of identifying, accepting, owning, and integrating those parts of ourselves we once sacked away in the basement of our consciousness.  This is about becoming whole.


You will complete this workshop with:

1)  Profound experience of transformation,

2)  Clear understanding of several of your own shadow aspects, and

3)  Tools you can use on your own to continue to heal and release limitations related to these shadows.


Workshop is from 10:00-5:00; Cost is $72.

This workshop is the first of three in a series of Shadow workshops.  Each workshop can be taken in succession or individually.


Feel free to email me with any questions and forward to anyone you think may be interested.




Jeff Ennor, CCHt

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