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Passing of Rob Stuart

From: Bill P.
Sent on: Saturday, February 4, 2017, 7:26 AM


I'm very sad to share with you the passing of Rob Stuart, renowned diver and film-maker. Rob was on a deep dive in Florida, on a rebreather, while searching for a rare fish species. Exact CoD is not yet known.

Rob was the film-maker responsible for the acclaimed movie, Sharkwater. This movie (and it's creator) is near and dear to my heart for a couple of reasons. 1)Power Scuba was (is) very involved in shark fin issues and lobbied very hard, successfully, to have the shark fin trade and consumption outlawed in California. 2)Power Scuba's FIRST social event, in January 2009, was a screening for that same movie. 1/3 of our at-the-time membership of 100 attended... and I knew I was on to something, both with the shark issue and with the group. Very fond memories.


R.I.P. Rob. You'll be sorely missed.


-Bill Powers

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