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Co-ed Softball team announcement!

From: David C.
Sent on: Saturday, January 18, 2014, 5:06 PM

Well folks, we are finally going to do it. A Spring Softball co-ed league team. It will be A.S.A. rules (2014 A.S.A. stamps on bats) on Sunday's in Sunnyvale? If you want to play in a league, then this is your chance to play with those folks you already know and like. Please fill out this short information sheet and email it back to us as soon as possible.

1. Full Name.

2. Phone number and email.

3. Position.

4. Describe the strengths of your game.

5. Can you commit to a few practices before the season so we can get our positions, line-ups, paper work, etc. completed.

8. This is a fun one: Suggest a name for our team (we'll make a final vote).

I'll tally the results and let everyone know on Friday 1/24/14.



Dave & Rodel


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