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February Main Meeting Topic Change

From: Justin S.
Sent on: Tuesday, January 28, 2014, 8:41 AM

There has been a recent change in the topic for the February 12 main meeting.  Derik Whittaker will still be presenting, but the topic now is the following:

Going realtime w/ SignalR

One of the historical issues w/ HTML applications is the its lack of a stateful connection between the client and the server.  In the past it was very common to solve this problem by either running a timer loop in javascript and make some sort of remote call to check for changes, or worse yet by refreshing the active page on a regular interval.

With the adoption of HTML 5 and WebSockets it is now possible to get near real time communication between the server and client in a much more elegant way.  In this session we will explore what problems SignalR solves and how to solve them.  By the end our journey you will know how you can utilize SignalR to build a real time quiz application to communicate between your server and browser based applications.


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