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Animal Advocate Group Hiring Part-Time Outreach Coordinator

From: Ann V S.
Sent on: Saturday, April 21, 2012, 12:58 AM
Excellent "animal lover's" job opportunity, FYI.  Please contact Dave directly at the info@ email address that is provided, if you're interested.  
Thanks!  (sorry if you receive repeats)

Begin forwarded message:

Animal Watch is seeking a part-time tabling coordinator for the 2012 fair/festival/farmer's market season, promoting the Animal Help Now project. Animal Help Now is a web site ( and  phone app connecting people in Colorado encountering animal emergencies with the nearest and most appropriate help.

Duties of the coordinator include setting the table, ensuring the operation is running smoothly throughout the day, managing volunteers, taking down at the end of the event, and securing the equipment.

We are looking for a person who is outgoing, reliable, patient, committed, and detail oriented. Free weekends are a must! We'll likely be tabling during 30%-40% of weekends from May through mid September, including all holidays. Most events will be in Denver and Boulder.

Pay will be hourly or by the event and is commensurate with experience. If you're interested, please send an email to [address removed]. Include a brief description of your interest and experience.

David Crawford, Executive Director
Animal Watch


7 & 8 July 2012! See you there!

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Think of me tonight, for that which you savor. 
Did it give you something real, or could you taste the pain of my death in its flavor?
    ~Wayne K. Tolson "Food Forethought"

~ Animals have their own voices, but few listen.  
   Those of us who hear them, must help them to be heard. ~

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter" Martin Luther King, Jr.

"Take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented." –Elie Wiesel

Get involved!  The World is run by people who show up.  ~Unknown

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