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Re: [DenverAndBeyondVeganMeetup] [address removed] has shared: Philip Wollen, Australian Philanthropist, Former VP of Citibank, Makes Blazing Animal Rights Speech

From: Dan
Sent on: Sunday, July 1, 2012, 6:55 AM
This speaks to me, but I fear it does not speak to the meat eating crowd.
Meat eaters are addicts with a chemical dependency. Much like many other things in the Standard American Diet (SAD) there are real food addictions. These addictions have been confirmed through hard science not some phsycho babble.
When trying to change an addicts behavior a different approach must be used. An addict cares little about the suffering others go through to feed his addictions. I believe those that are addicted to meats hear the compassionate plea and immediately dismiss the speaker as a nut. Not that there are not other parts of his message that are arguments which addicts could listen to.
What I see in much of the educational approaches is this lack of understanding how to present a convincing argument. Much like preaching to the choir.
What I believe is that the compassionate movement is creating conditions where meat eaters shut out the message even before it is delivered. Compassion I believe has to come after the food addiction is broken for most people. So another argument has to be put forth. He hit on some very good arguments for eating zero meat.

From: Janice A. Jones <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Saturday, June 30,[masked]:25 PM
Subject: [DenverAndBeyondVeganMeetup] [address removed] has shared: Philip Wollen, Australian Philanthropist, Former VP of Citibank, Makes Blazing Animal Rights Speech
Philip Wollen, Australian Philanthropist, Former VP of Citibank, Makes Blazing Animal Rights Speech
Wollen is a former VP of Citibank and Australian philanthropist who is known to keep out of the limelight. But, man, did he come to the table for this debate to deliver a huge performance and a powerful message packed in just 10-minutes. Bravo!
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