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Organizational Meeting Invitation

From: Ann V S.
Sent on: Monday, August 27, 2012, 11:29 AM
Hi Denver and Beyond Members, Tomorrow night our animal rights Meetup group will be having an organizational meeting at Purple Ginger in Applewood. Here is the link with the details: We didnt make it a gatering here, but I would like to invite interested members from this group. One of the topics will be help with our monthly potlucks. Some of you might also be interested to hear about Animal Action Network and what we do. If you would like to attend this gathering, please confirm your RSVP by respond to me via email. Please include your phone number in case there are any last minute changes. You can also join the AAN Meetup and RSVP on directly on the event. There are a limited number of spaces. I hope to see some of you there, Have a great day, Ann

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