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What we’re about

We are the Silicon Valley Chapter for the American Association of Individual Investors (AAII) and our mission is to educate and empower individual investors in their quest for achieving financial independence. To that end, we strive to bring compelling and accomplished speakers to present timely, relevant and actionable information on personal financial planning, wealth building, and investing.

Want to easily get started? Join this Meetup group and you will be notified of future meetings and events. Beginners and advanced investors are welcomed!

* See our website at

The AAII Silicon Valley Chapter holds several monthly events:

* Main Events features renowned speakers on a variety of topics! A nominal fee of $10 to attend covers the overhead of speaker costs, facility rental and event expenses.

* Free to attend: Special Interest Group (SIG) Meetups meet monthly on four topics: 1. Financial Planning SIG; 2. Investment Discussion SIG; 3. Computerized Investing SIG; and 4. FinTech SIG.

We are not here to sell anything - only to create an open and friendly environment for like-minded people to learn, share and explore investing. We are an all-volunteer organization and are always seeking additional members who can help with various planning and administrative issues. 

We protect your privacy and work to prevent any spam from being posted to our website or to your email account.

Please join us! 


Feel free to contact us at with any questions, comments or feedback. This is YOUR organization! 

You can visit us at our Silicon Valley Chapter website.   and at our Facebook page.

The American Association of Individual Investors (AAII) is a nonprofit corporation founded in 1978 for the purpose of assisting individuals in becoming effective managers of their own assets through programs of education, information and research.  National membership is $29 per year, but you do NOT need to be a member to attend our local Silicon Valley Chapter meetings and events.  

Now for the legal stuff.... (sorry, it's required)

The AAII Silicon Valley Chapter and its directors offer their social media and website pages for educational purposes only. The opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of AAII or the AAII Silicon Valley Chapter, whose only intent is to provide a background for understanding investment, personal finance and wealth management theory and practice. Nothing on these sites should be considered solicitations or offers to buy or sell any financial instrument or specific trading advice for individuals. The appearance of information or links to other sites does not constitute endorsement by AAII, the AAII Silicon Valley Chapter or their directors. Investing and trading carry risk and may not be suitable for everyone; we recommend augmenting the information here with advice from a financial professional. Any investment information is provided without consideration of your financial sophistication, financial situation, investing time horizon, or risk tolerance. The AAII Silicon Valley Chapter and its directors make no representations of accuracy and assume no responsibility