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May 19 meeting, Neal Ford's "Code Metrics & Analysis"

From: Alex V.
Sent on: Friday, May 9, 2008, 3:23 PM
Agile Denver will meet one week early this month, given the Memorial Day
holiday falling on the fourth Monday. We will instead meet on Monday,
May 19th with guest speaker Neal Ford from ThoughtWorks. Neal will
present "Code Metrics & Analysis for Agile Projects".

What does code + methodology have to do with one another? Everything!
Agile projects focus on delivering working code, and tools exist to
allow you to verify some quality metrics for your code. This session is
a survey of tools and metrics that allow you to determine the quality of
your code and strategies to "wire it" into your agile project.

Agile projects focus on delivering code. The responsibility for the
quality of that code lies with developers. Yet most developers have a
poor sense of how to gauge the quality of code, both during development
and forensically. This talk lives on the boundary between what is
important in agile projects and ways to verify code quality. It is both
a survey of tools and metrics and strategies for proactively applying
these techniques to ongoing projects. I talk about the Hawthorne effect,
analysis tools (both byte and source code), useful metrics, tools for
generating metrics, and how to analyze raw data into actionable tasks.

Session Topics:

     * The Hawthorne Effect
     * How Agility and Metrics Feed Each Other
     * Analysis Tools: FindBugs and PMD/CPD
     * Testing Metrics
     * Cyclomatic Complexity
     * Chidamber and Kemerer Object-oriented Metrics
     * JDepend
     * Code Change Risk Analyzer and Predictor for Java
     * Panopticode
     * Tools

As always, our monthly meetings are free to attend and open to local
software professionals, students and faculty. Feel free to pass this
announcement along to your colleagues.

As always, our monthly meetings are free to attend and open to local
software professionals, students and faculty. Feel free to pass this
announcement along to your colleagues.


5:00 - 6:00 PM  Refreshments, networking and announcements
6:00 - 7:30 PM  Neal Ford Presentation


Neal Ford is an Application Architect for ThoughtWorks. He is an
architect, designer, and developer of applications, instructional
materials, magazine articles, and video/DVD presentations. Neal is also
the author of Developing with Delphi: Object-Oriented Techniques
(Prentice Hall PTR, 1996), JBuilder 3 Unleashed (SAMS Publishing, 1999),
and Art of Java Web Development (Manning, 2003). His language
proficiencies include Java, C#/.NET, Ruby, Object Pascal, C++, and C.
Neal's primary consulting focus is the design and construction of
large-scale enterprise applications. He is also an internationally
acclaimed speaker, having spoken at over 30 developer conferences worldwide.


The April 2008 meeting sponsor is The No Fluff Just Stuff Software
Symposium Series.

The No Fluff Just Stuff Software Symposium Series is designed to cover
the latest in trends, best practices, and newest developments in
Enterprise Java, Java/Groovy, ESB/SOA, Ajax, Web Services, Agility, and
Architecture. Our commitment is to provide the very best in terms of
speaker quality and overall conference experience.

Their upcoming Agile ITX event will take place June 26 - 28, 2008 in
Reston, Virginia. The central theme of Agile ITX is to help your team
consistently deliver better software. We'll focus on the entire software
development life cycle, from requirements management to test automation
to software process. You'll learn how to Develop in Iterations,
Collaborate with Customers, and Respond to Change. Software is a
difficult field with high rates of failure. Our world-class speakers
will help you implement best practices, deal with persistent problems,
and recognize opportunities to improve your existing practices.

Our on campus sponsor is The Games Club, a tri-institutional (MSCD, UCD,
and CCD) club that seeks to unite the campus and provide a closer-knit
college community to Auraria Campus. The Funds raised by the games club
through sponsorship of events like Agile Denver is used to help fund
scholarships to club members and to encourage participation in the
Homeward Bound project.


The meeting will be held in the Tivoli Student Union (TV) building, in
Room 261 (Multicultural Lounge).

The Tivoli is located on the Auraria Campus, within walking distance of
Downtown Denver via Larimer Street crossing Speer. You can reach the
campus from the I-25 south Colfax or Speer exits.

Please review or print out the parking map for reference:


Parking on site costs $5 to attendees of our event and there should be
parking available in the lots off of Auraria Parkway and Ninth Street.
Be sure to mention that you are attending an on campus event otherwise
they might assume you are there for a sports event.

A G I L E  D E N V E R

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