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What we’re about

Welcome to #AgilityLab in Copenhagen! 

We are a diverse group of people, eager to experiment with and explore ideas and concepts in the agile space.

We welcome curiosity, creativity, interaction and an open mind. We don’t believe we have all the answers and we do not see agility as a religion. 

The organizer team is here to help you get started with events, invites, venues etc. Just reach out to one of us if you have an idea for a meetup. 

Looking forward to meeting you soon!

On behalf of the organizer team

Torsten W. Hansen
Mobil: +45 2034 6161



•  #AgilityLab is open and free to join for everyone.

• When you sign up, you commit to show up. 

• Events are in general free to attend. Any exceptions need to be agreed with the organizer team. 

• All members are encourage to suggest topics and events. Please contact the organizer team before setting up a meetup event. 

• We support experiments, research and students with relevant topics.

• We reserve the right to moderate. 

We, the organizer team, can be reached through the link “Organized by” on the right hand side of the main page. 

Upcoming events (2)

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