If there is a nagging feeling that things are about to change in a big way
you are right!
In our Ancient Awakenings groups we are covering these techniques to prepare us for our personal ACENSION and the major changes that are about to manifest.
JOIN US for these group processes:
The Acension Meditation
Out of body experience to new dimensions
Balancing the Chakras for optimum dimensional movement
Activate dormant DNA
Discovering and entering Grids, Portals and Gateways
Experience Individual Processes for personal enlightenment into the coming age
Multi Level Awareness personal process and gateway to higher dimensions
Integrating with Higher God Self for maximum spiritual awakening
As in ancient times, ignite your inner flame within by remembering your true nature and awakening from your long slumber. Old souls are reuniting as promised long ago and together we will become as One again. . We will restore our heritage by “remembering” the Source coded within all of us.
In the language of the Mother Tongue and from ancient Lemuria and Mu:
Ya de alla su Abba par a tese, Ya de alla su Ebba par a tese
Pa Pa Pa Pa Ra, Pa Pa Pa Ra Pohm
Araaaa, Ara Ummmm, Ara Ummmmm
English translation:
"Old soul, old soul, wherein we return, wherein we return. Our souls return as one together seeking thy light, serving thy light, knowing thy light. Making known thy hand print within the earth where thou has placed thy sacred seal within man's heart. Where he would open. Where he would know remembrance, remembrance forever".
If these words stir something within you than you owe it to yourself to attend our group and learn more and experience for yourself your own ancient awakening.