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TOMORROW'S (MONDAY) LOCATION CHANGE: North Side writing critique meeting

From: David W.
Sent on: Sunday, October 4, 2009, 8:33 PM
Location changed for The North Side and Evanston Writer's Group meeting (read explaination below).

What: (LOCATION CHANGE) North Side writing critique meeting

When: Monday, October 5,[masked]:00 PM

1957 W Chicago Ave (between Damen Ave & Winchester Ave)
Chicago, IL 60622

CHANGE of LOCATION: We are now meeting at Atomix (see above for address).

The location was changed, since Mercury Cafe is now closed. However, Atomix is open, and is only a few blocks down, on Chicago Ave. Please email, if you have objections to having a writing critique meeting at Atomix (i.e. loud event on Monday nights).

At this meeting, writers share a piece of their work, (by posting online or aloud) and the people at the meeting share their thoughts.

Please go here to post your work and read work for the meeting:

Guidelines for Everyone:
- Anyone willing to give a thoughtful critique is welcome.

- Members participate, in discussion, on the piece. Some members give written feedback (Ex. on printed out work, by email).

- Please check for stories here

Guidelines for sharing work:

- All genre's and forms are welcome (Ex. chapter of a novel, short story, play, screenplay, poem, article, etc.).

- You may share your work, by posting here (highly recommended), or by bringing work to read aloud.

- It is best to post 2 or more days prior to the meeting.

- If you post a piece online, yet find out you will not be able to attend, please email me, so that I can inform the group, out of courtesy for the group. It is especially great if you can email, about this, at least 2 days in advance.

- Though there is no official limit, it is good to keep work to about 15-20 pages (6000 words), or less.

Note: You may share a work as a link. In this case, please post a file containing the link, so that people will find and read your work.

Here are more details about posting online and other means of sharing your work:

Here is information about reading files, if you are having trouble seeing the work, on your computer:

Feel free to email about any questions or suggestions.

Learn more here:

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