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TOMORROW’s (Monday) meeting in CHICAGO at ATOMIX at 7:00 PM

From: David W.
Sent on: Sunday, November 15, 2009, 6:19 PM
Hello everyone,

I hope everyone?s weekend is going well. I want to mention some points, about tomorrow?s meeting (Monday in CHICAGO at ATOMIX at 7:00 PM), so that writers feel they get worthwhile feedback from our group discussion, and so that everyone can get the most out of the group.

People may bring work to read aloud. There is still time to RSVP, and you don't need to announce that you are bringing work. Please indicate whether or not you are coming, out of courtesy for the group.

There is 1 piece posted for discussion.

These can be found here:

Its name is:
File name: Nov16_47WordsBrokenGirl_ch1-4

Please read at least some of this piece. Writers want to hear what people have to say. Optionally, some members also provide written comments, either printed out (usually on the piece itself), or in an email.

Additionally, there may be some extra time, at the end, for people to read aloud.

Happy writing!

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