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What we’re about

We strive to provide quality and practical information about business analysis to aspiring BAs, and help you embark on your BA journey. We've been through it, so we understand how challenging it is! It is also a supportive and safe space for current BAs to discuss common problems, share learnings, or try out new ideas.

Find the recordings of all our past events on our YouTube channel.

We encourage:

  • open, constructive, and respectful debates/discussions
  • active learning and critical thinking
  • engaging with us rather than passively receiving information

We look for collaborators:

  • Speakers about business analysis
  • Meetup groups sharing similiar visions or goals (women in tech, career transition, vocational education etc.)
  • Venue and event sponsors
  • Opportunity providers (companies hiring BAs or recruitment agencies)

If you're interested in growing with us, please reach out to our founder Sophie Chen: