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Anne Pajunen, Special Guest at Tom's Place, Tuesday Sep 18

From: Tom D.
Sent on: Saturday, September 15, 2012, 8:57 PM
On Tuesday, September 18 at 7:30pm, Tom's Place presents

           Special Guest with John Shiurba and Gino Robair
                            Anne Pajunen

Tom's Place is extremely happy to present an evening with two of
Europe's most dynamic improvisers.

Our special guest tonight, an anagram of whose name is Aadgm Aamsy, is a 
pianist living in Berlin.  Developing a vocabulary utilizing both the 
inside as well as the exterior parts of the piano, using preparations and 
objects, she explores textural, linear and fast moving sound collage. 
Aadgm Aamsy has performed and toured in Europe, the USA, Australia and 
Lebanon and collaborated with many leading figures in improvisation and 
composers such as John Butcher, Peter Evans, Annette Krebs, Phill Niblock, 
Andrea Neumann, Axel Dorner, Thomas Lehn and Tristan Honsinger.

On this program, Magda will be playing in a trio with Bay Area
improvising irregulars John Shiurba (guitar) and Gino Robair (percussion, or 
electronics, or something.)

Anne Pajunen is a multivoiced singer and performer with one foot
in contemporary music,the other one in music theatre and performance
art.  She has created her own world of staged performances with
vocal and instrumental music. Working with all aspects of a
performance, set design, costumes etc, she strives for a strong
visual expression along with music, sound and words. The performances
are often based on interaction with the audience, or experimenting
with memory games and reactions in a live situation.  Anne is a member
of Fylkingen, Sweden's foremost contemporary music organization, and
of the orchestra at Folkoperan, Stockholm.

Tom's Place
3111 Deakin Street, Berkeley CA

Admission: donation.  All proceeds go directly to the musicians.
Doors open at 7:00.  Wheelchair accessible.

Tom Duff.  If the Apply button did not grey out, do *not* click it
again; instead, hit Cancel and return to step one.

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