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Re: [ghosts-597] Change

From: user 5.
Sent on: Tuesday, December 11, 2007, 4:34 AM
Dear Mari,
This was 1 out of 41 pictures I took that evening.It was around 10pm on Oct,24,2004.I was really surprised & upset when I finished downloading them on my pc. I then noticed this one did have something at least to look at & opened it & was totally surprised.But the face I first saw was the one I've outlined with red in this copy of my pic to show you. It looks to me like the old vaudeville, & later movie star, Jimmy Durante! IIf you look at it his head is tilted in a kitty corner way but you can see most of his face including the edge of his fedora hat -for which he was famous for wearing in his acts. You are probably too young to remember him.He was famous in the early 1900's thru the early 60's.He had a really large nose & they called him 'the Shnazolla"
I found some of his pics on the internet to send along with this luna shot(as I named the file as I was downloading the pictures originally)
It wasn't until the next evening that I really got to looking at the picture & noticed the creepy looking skull face thing that looks like it's diving, what would have been directly, at me..I've heard of bones of old Indians being found during construction of the surrounding area within a few blocks & my husband,who grew up in this area says it's suppose to have been an old burial ground.But I've never looked into it thoroughly myself.
I know that it wasn't cold enough to have any condensation in the air.,nor was I smoking a cig & I really do not think there was anything on the lens,nor had I breathed on it. All the rest of the pics were totally a black page. Like I had taken pictures of nothing.A few maybe had a small  pinhead -if even that big of a dot- in them which I assume was the moon I was trying to get pictures of, so deleted them. The moon in this is the small yellowish dot in about mid picture.
At first I thought that it was a reflection off the lens from maybe a lightpost,which if you look on the left part of the photo ,looks as if it's a lightpost behind the tree.But I went back during the day & again at night & there isn't any lightpost or any such pole or anything that could be in the background at all. SO I can only assume it's a capture of a spirit or spirits.I've had people tell me it looks like some movie logo or something but I assure you,this is
the un-touched copy -except now for the red outline I put on to show you the face in the corner.If  you look at the real original copy you'll begin to see many faces. Everyone has pointed different ones throughout  the picture.The weird thing is those come & go whenever I look at it for an amount of time. It's just really trippy.
I have other photos over the years where I have what looks like misty arms hugging me ,etc. They were taken by my hubby a long time ago.I'll see if I can dig them up.I also have a roll of film that when I had it developed came out with so many different exposures on each frame it looked as if it was a life time of our family pictures in the whole roll. It's hard to explain, but I'll dig them up too. The strangest thing of all was that there are things in the pictures & places we don't have a clue as to where or what they are. BUT the STRANGEST thing of all was the first photo when I opened the package after getting them developed. It was a picture of my son's picture on one side & then the oher half was of him standing in my Mom's kitchen (600 miles away) & I know for a fact that this camera & film had never been near my Mom's because they had both been dead for many years before I developed the film.My son had committed suicide many years prior to me even buying the film. & I haven't a clue as to who took a picture of the last picture of him! Strange things happen for me in pictures I'll tell you!
Well I'll attach those pictures now & you can let me know what you think.

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