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Re: [ghosts-597] Re:Santa Cruz cemetary (Bay Area Ghost Hunters)

From: Jenn
Sent on: Monday, October 6, 2008, 11:51 AM
I was talking about the cemetary behind Denny's on the way up the hill towards Roaring Camp on the left.  After googling I found the name:  Independent Order of Odd Fellows Cemetery

Stories I have heard are orbs that chase you.  My friend did a investigation with two other men and were pushed down and scared out of their minds by the creek nearby.  I know he would like to go back with people who aren't scared as easily.


On Sat, Oct 4, 2008 at 3:18 PM, Alan J. Groening <[address removed]> wrote:
is that the extremely old cemetary down around the lower highway 9? i want to go there also! count me in.... I have a video camera to document. it can hold up to 29 minutes of digital video! We cold cut a youtube short wile we're down there!
I personally want to investigate that cemetery in Santa Cruz.  The one where the orb supposedly chases you down.  I suppose we can talk about that when we meet up.

Glad to see movement.

Jen Subaraman

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