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New Meetup: Movie: A Haunting in Connecticut

From: Monique
Sent on: Monday, March 23, 2009, 3:54 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Bay Area Ghost Hunters!

What: Movie Meetup: A Haunting in Connecticut

When: March 27,[masked]:15 PM

Price: $11.25 per person

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: BAGH's 1st Movie Meetup 2009

Some of us will meet PRIOR to movie, at The Outback (across from Theatre entrance), at 6pm.
Come join us for dinner and a movie, or just meet us at 7:15 (in front of theatre) if you rather skip dinner.

Haunting In Connecticut

Based on a chilling true story, Lionsgate's 'The Haunting in Connecticut' charts one family's terrifying, real-life encounter with the dark forces of the supernatural. When the Campbell family moves to upstate Connecticut, they soon learn that their charming Victorian home has a disturbing history: not only was the house a transformed funeral parlor where inconceivable acts occurred, but the owner's clairvoyant son Jonah served as a demonic messenger, providing a gateway for spiritual entities to crossover.

Now unspeakable terror awaits, when Jonah, the boy who communicated with the powerful dark forces of the supernatural, returns to unleash a new kind of horror on the innocent and unsuspecting family.

Starring:Virginia Madsen, Martin Donovan, Kyle Gallner, Elias Koteas, Amanda Crew

Theatrical Release Date:03/27/2009

Some intense sequences of terror and disturbing images

Run Time:92 min.

Learn more here:

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