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What we’re about

Welcome to the Bay Area Sound Therapy Meetup! We offer groups events around the Bay Area. Our events are a place where you can experience healing work with friends and make new friends as well.

Not all Sound Baths are alike. That's why we call this work, a Therapeutic Sound Journey. It's more than just music being played to relax you.

The Logos Method is considered a "whole body wellness tune up." We emit sounds to soothe you and vibrations to help you balance your nervous system. When we receive a tune up, you are able to reach silence deep within and use that as a bridge to hear what our intuition has to say vs what our linear mind is telling us.

Our work can help with temporary experiences of a balanced nervous system, reduced pain and a quiet mind to name a few. However if you want to really keep your system tuned up, we recommend monthly sessions along with a simple home practice.