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A few volunteers sought for national Cabernet competition @ Ft. Mason this Sun.

From: tom m.
Sent on: Friday, October 21, 2011, 10:27 AM

No takers for the delicious Bavarian Oktoberfest beer tasting with three different kinds of bratwurst?  And on one except Sonnie accepted the invitation to my birthday party, which is one in the same thing.  Oh well, we have enough to make this a true Taste Off.

But the real purpose of this email is to solicit a few volunteers for Affairs of the Vine  Cabernet competition a.k.a. "Cab Shootout" wrapping up on Sunday.  Looking for folks who will help pour and clear away glasses.  11:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. roughly.  For this you will get quite a lot of fine wines to take away with you.  Plus meet some great Wine industry leaders.  Info:

Email ASAP.



Chief Epicurean Outfitter

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