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What we’re about

Hi and Welcome! We are a group of enthusiastic people interested in maps and the technologies and data that create them. We are techies, artists, programmers, designers, geographers, developers, conservationists, data geeks, students, and urban planners.  Really, anybody interested in maps.

Maps and spatial information has long been used for exploring, understanding, and planning our world. Maps, as data and art, provide a medium to discover and critique our environment and community.  Our meetups are designed to help bring together a broad community of users while supporting collaboration and developing a knowledge base around geotechnologies. Come join us and see why every X needs a Y.

BayGeo is the local non-profit for users of geospatial technology, people new to mapping, and GIS professionals. BayGeo and its partners offer educational workshops, social events, and a lecture series around "geo" and other related topics.

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