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Contacts for Online Engagement Research Study for City of Melbourne

From: user 4.
Sent on: Wednesday, June 6, 2012, 8:28 PM
Hi OpenNY,

I'm working on a research project with the City of Melbourne to evaluate the 'online engagement models' that have been adopted by other major cities. NYC stands out as a city with a solid approach (especially since I left in 2010).

The research is fairly in-depth, with key research areas including:
  • Online engagement model selection process
  • Supporting governance and policies
  • Evaluation methods employed
  • Resourcing and capability required
  • Strengths and weaknesses
In order to get the level of detail required, we really need to interview those who were directly involved. I've already emailed Rachel Sterne, but I was wondering if anyone here could point me to others who would be open to contributing? Especially if the person was involved in the decision-making process that led to things like BigApps and the Chief Digital Officer position.

The benefit for participating is that we'll share the research outcomes with participating cities afterwards, as well as the opportunity to start dialogue on this issue between a number of forward-thinking major cities (we're also looking at Brisbane, Adelaide and London as in-depth cases).

Relatedly, I'm planning to be in NYC some time in late July/early August. Any interest in a meetup around exchanging open government stories between NYC, NY and Melbourne, Victoria?

Thank in advance for your help.


Matt Cooperrider
Strategist, Collabforge pty ltd
collaboration ~ mass collaboration ~ social software
Mobile: + 61 (0)[masked] ~ Office: + 61 (0)[masked]
239 Rathdowne St, Carlton, Melbourne 3053 ~

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