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RE: [betaNYC] Condo Tax Records?

From: Jessie B.
Sent on: Saturday, January 25, 2014, 6:45 PM
Hmm...I'm not sure. I think the format is the same. Per the PLUTO metadata:

1-999  Traditional Tax Lots
[masked] Condominium Unit Lots
[masked] Condominium Billing Lots
[masked] Subterranean Tax lots
[masked] DTM Dummy Tax Lots
[masked] Air Rights Tax Lots

I think, and I could be completely making assumptions here, when condo lot number are assigned it always starts at 1001 per parcel. But, again, that's based on what I've seen ---which is very little.

Also, of course, our data hero Steve Romalewski has great info but he couldn't get the message to the BetaNYC list. I'm going to paste it below so everyone on this list has the info. Thanks Steve!!!


The issue might be that condo BBLs don't match the BBLs for tax parcel geometry in MapPLUTO.  Each condo has its own BBL, and there can be many condos on a given tax lot.  City Planning assigns a "pseudo" BBL (their term) to the tax parcel on the ground - the pseudo tax lot ID usually is in the 7000+ range (whereas most BBLs that correspond one-to-one -- property owner to on-the-ground parcel -- have tax lot IDs in the 1000 or less range).

So none of the individual condo BBLs will match the parcel BBL that you're displaying on the map.

To get around this, MapPLUTO provides supplemental DBFs that link condo BBLs (I think these may also be called billing BBLs) to the base (or pseudo) BBLs.

In order to map condo payments, you'd need to somehow calculate an average or median payment value for each parcel with multiple condos - also taking into account any payments made by owners that match the on-the-ground BBL - and use that for the choropleth ranges.  Probably makes sense to talk with someone at Dept of Finance or perhaps the Furman Center for specific advice on how to do this properly.


Steven Romalewski
[address removed]

Subject: RE: [betaNYC] Condo Tax Records?
From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Date: Sat, 25 Jan[masked]:05:23 -0500

Ha! I was about to ask you the same thing!  A scraper can be written idlf we have a good list of all the lot numbers. 

I used PLUTO to get my list of BBLs for phase 1 but dont know where to find a good list for condo lots.

Do condo lots have the same format as other BBLs?


On Jan 25,[masked]:00 PM, "Jessie Braden" <[address removed]> wrote:
P.s. The trick to analyzing this will be that you'll need to get all the lot numbers for the whole building. As in, each condo in the building will have its own lot number. So, you can't just search by the BBL you see in PLUTO. ...if I understand this correctly! Are there lists of condo lot numbers by address anywhere?

Subject: [betaNYC] Condo Tax Records?
From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Date: Sat, 25 Jan[masked]:49:39 -0500

Hi BetaNYC,

I've been scraping property tax payment data (not bills, actual payments) from  I gathered an entire community district's worth (mine, CD 7 Manhattan) and wanted to do some analysis on neighborhood and block-level tax contributions.

I noticed that condo buildings don't have tax payments on nycserv, so they all show up as red on this map.  My question to the community is...  Do condo owners pay property tax directly to the city?  AND can they look up their bills online?  (More importantly, can I?)

Thanks!  My scraper is written in Ruby and is available here:

-Chris Whong

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