What we’re about
For more information about BCLC memebership and club rides check out our Web Site!
Looking for fun and fitness on two wheels in the northern suburbs of Chicago? <br>Then look no further than the Bicycle Club of Lake County.
Since 1977, BCLC has offered rides in length from ten miles for families to daylong tours of 75 miles or more for experienced cyclists — all led by fellow club members who know the lightly traveled, most scenic routes and out-of-the-way refreshment stops. In addition, the club holds monthly meetings and frequent social activities. Want to try biking on the off-road trails through the forest preserves? BCLC will take you there.
Prefer road riding, or even competitive biking? BCLC members do that, too. Have an idea for a bike trip that you would like to lead? Club members are encouraged to participate in planning new activities.
Want to learn how to cycle more comfortably, do minor cycle repairs yourself, keep in shape in the off-season, or lobby for more trails? BCLC meetings offer education to enthusiasts on a variety of such topics, as well as fellowship. Informative meetings are held the 4th Tuesday of the month, four times a year starting at 7:00 p.m. at the Libertyville Civic Center, Room E on the lower level. View the Calendar
Looking for companionship on weekend or week long bike tours throughout the U.S. and beyond? You’ll find some of BCLC’s over 200 members there, too. There are club parties and social outings as well. You’ll be able to keep track of all the activities through the club’s monthly newsletter and website.
Interested in cycling, but unsure of what equipment to buy? <br>Members will share their expertise and experience and your club membership will earn you discounts at selected bike shops in the area. The club welcomes visitors to meetings, club rides, and our annual non-competitive bike event, the Ramble. All Ramble routes are marked and serviced by sag vehicles (for minor repairs and support along the way). The route features a centrally located rest stop, which insures that riders have regular opportunities to refuel. Every year, club volunteers staff the event, ensuring that the more than 500 cyclists expected to pedal through the scenic lakes region enjoy their day. Funds raised from the Ramble are used to support local club activities, as well as state and regional bicycle advocacy organizations that promote better cycling conditions.
BCLC is an affiliate member of Active Transportation Alliance, American Bicycle Racing, Bicycle Federation of Wisconsin, League of American Bicyclists, League of Illinois Bicyclists, Rails to Trails Conservancy.
To find out more about BCLC, come to a meeting or ride with us. We are a truly diverse group and growing every day.