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What we’re about

Bolder Women is a personal development group for modern women in mid-life who refuse to settle and are poised to conquer new horizons.  Whether you're a visionary out to nurture a dream in your heart or simply seeking to unlock your full potential, this is your tribe!

Bolder Women is all about living a vibrant life.  Sounds easy enough, right?  But it’s not.

You see, I think it’s really easy to get stuck in “fine”.  And if you’ve reached mid-life, you probably know all too well what I’m talking about - at least in one area of your life, if not more.

“Fine” is that place that’s not bad enough to make us miserable, but also doesn’t light us up…make us happy…or make us feel that fire in our belly!  But we get stuck there because it feels safe and comfortable.  We don’t have to take any risks.  And that’s ok for a little while.  But eventually it starts to feel constricting.  Like we’re getting smaller.  And more afraid.  And less passionate about our lives.

The longer we stay there, the more our soul dies a little bit everyday.  I know this because I spent a couple decades there and eventually ended up in a nervous breakdown.

What I had to learn the hard way is that to live a life that feels interesting...rewarding...fulfilling...and ALIVE, we have to make bold choices that feel scary and uncertain.

Everything from joining a new group, like this one - where you may not know anyone - and choosing to show up, be seen, and be choosing to follow the pull of your soul in your career, relationships, and other key areas of your life- even when there are no guarantees.

It's hard to do.  *Really hard.*  But it feels a bit easier when you're surrounded by other women in the same boat.  Women who feel self-doubt and who are anxious, nervous, and afraid at times...but choosing the courageous path anyway.

That’s my goal with this group: to create a space that inspires you to keep making the bolder choices that nurture a life that feels lit up with passion and purpose.

Whether it’s starting a new career…leveling up your business or relationships…starting over after a death or divorce…or simply navigating the exhilarating highs and daunting challenges in your own hero’s journey, this group is here to foster the life you most want to create.

In Bolder Women, we dive into activities and discussions around topics that make it easier to make those bold choices.  When you know who you are…what you stand for…and what you want from your life, making those transformative decisions becomes a bit clearer.  When you know your values…your boundaries…your purpose…and your truth, it’s easier to line up with your highest vision for your life.

I say “easier”; not easy, because the bold choices that lead to a life well lived almost always involve risk.  That’s why they’re hard to make. 

But the more clarity we have around who we are and what we want creates the foundation for making those bold choices with confidence and conviction. And when we do it with a group of like-minded women, we can't help but create a tide that lifts all of our boats!

If you dig the introspection, conversation, and light bulb moments sparked by authors and speakers like Martha Beck, Brene Brown, Liz Gilbert, and Glennon Doyle, this group has your name on it!

P.S. Yes, "Bolder" is a play on Boulder - the city where I live! But my dream is for this group to have far-reaching effects that extend well beyond the city limits of Boulder, CO. Hence the reason I host both online Zoom meetings and in-person gatherings in Boulder.

P.P.S. Want to know who I am before you join? I get it. From my experience, I always get the most out of groups where I feel a natural connection and rapport with the group leader.

Since all of our time is precious, I want to make sure you have all the information you need to decide if this group is right for you.

So here goes:
I'm a certified Martha Beck Life Coach, writer, and speaker who’s passionate about helping women in mid-life create a sizzling second act!

Prior to becoming a life coach, I spent 21 years in the digital marketing/affiliate marketing/online entrepreneurship space - 10 of those years in corporate and 11 years running my own agency with my husband.  Despite spending over 2 decades in the industry, it never lit me up.  I always felt like a square peg trying to jam myself into a round hole.

As you can imagine, and may even know from experience, things don't go so well when you sell yourself out like that for years and decades on end. For me, that experience, along with other related experiences, culminated in a nervous breakdown in December of 2017. I spent 6 months dealing with crippling panic and anxiety.

It was a long, slow climb out of that hole, but it ultimately led me to my true purpose, which I'm living now. And it's why I'm so passionate about helping other women find the clarity, courage, confidence, and structure they need to create a life that reflects who they really are and what they really want.

I think we all came here for a reason. I think we all carry a light in us. And I think the way we surmount the darkness that's so prevalent in our world today is by more of us bringing our light forward through our passions and purpose. That's what this group is about.

Politically, I fall somewhere left of center. I'm not an "eat the rich" lefty, and I'm not a "everybody fend for themselves" righty. And I'm not even on the same planet as Lauren Boebert, MTG, Matt Gaetz, and the other members of the hard right contingent.

I believe in health care for all, reproductive rights for women, equality for our LGBT+ community, reasonable gun control legislation, and many other left-leaning ideals.

I also believe in personal responsibility and capitalism - just not unfettered capitalism. I believe we should all be able to make as much money as we can and want to by using the best of who we are to serve others. And I believe that money is power, and that with great power comes great responsibility. I think Oprah is one of the best examples of how to make money, enjoy money, and be responsible with the power and privilege that money affords us in our society.

Spiritually, I was raised Catholic, but I believe in spirituality or personal ethics over adherence to a specific religion.

And finally my personal life - I'm married to the love of my life (second marriage) and have a mini-goldendoodle, named Midas, that I absolutely adore!

I love to dance, travel, stay fit, and get outside. I enjoy a fun night out on the town - an upscale cocktail bar and a great restaurant. And I equally love staying home, and parking it on the couch with a good movie and a take-and-bake pizza from Nick 'n Willys.

My favorite music is still the stuff I grew up listening to in the 80s/early 90s (everything from The Police to Prince to Poison). If you come to the in-person meetings, there's a good chance you'll hear some of this stuff! :D I also enjoy jazz and some of the crooners (Michael Buble, Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, and Etta James, to name a few.)

I hope that gives you a good idea of who I am and whether or not you'd want to be part of a group where I'm the leader. If this still sounds like your jam, then please keep an eye out for the meeting announcements!

Unless there’s a holiday or I have a travel conflict, we always meet the 2nd Wednesday of each month.  The Zoom meeting takes place from 11:30am - 1:30pm MT, and the in-person meeting takes place from 6:00pm – 8:00pm MT.  The link and location details are always in the event announcements.

Thanks for reading!  I look forward to meeting you and creating a tide that lifts all of our boats!


P.P.P.S. You can find out more about me and my business at

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