What we’re about
Booze & Books Sacramento is the book club for anyone who enjoys a good book, a good beverage, and a good conversation. We aim to be a diverse group of readers who gather together for libations and lively discussion. Exploring new and old, best sellers and off the beaten path books, fiction and non, good and sometimes not so good (but it can be such good fun to hate a book together).
We meet to discuss the book on the second Tuesday of each month (and sometimes more, if we feel like it). No fee to join or attend, but donations to help cover Meetup’s fees are always welcome.
Please be sure to include a clear photo of yourself (one in which we can see who you are) when you sign up, and to fill out the questions in the introductory portion!
See you there!
Follow us @boozebookssacramento
Handbook for the Noble Order of Booze & Books Sacramento (How it Works)
• We discuss the book at the meeting, so please read it (or as much of it as you can) before the meeting. Spoiler alert: we will spoil the ending at the meeting.
• I post a book at least once a month and with at least a month’s notice to give you plenty of time to find and read the book. Occasionally I will post a bonus book with less time, but I guarantee at least one a month with plenty of notice.
• If you have a book suggestion, please email them to me or tell me at a meeting. I have a list going on Goodreads (which by the way, please feel to connect with me there). If you want to guarantee I choose your book though, make a donation of $20 or more to the club account.
• We typically meet on Tuesday nights. If you’d like to host a meeting on a different night of the week, let me know and I’ll set it up.
• Locations will be restaurants or bars in Sacramento county. We will occasionally meet elsewhere in greater Sacramento area, especially if it fits the theme of the book.
• Each meeting is open to 12 members. I do this because it’s hard to have a discussion where everyone is heard or find a restaurant to accommodate a group any bigger. Occasionally I will open a meeting to everyone.
• Each meeting will have a waitlist. If you want to come to a meeting and are on the waitlist, read the book and plan on coming. There is always room by the day of the meeting. If you are still on the waitlist by the day of (which rarely happens), send me a message and we will work it out.
• If the waitlist gets to 12 or more and someone is willing to act as host, I will schedule another meeting at another location. There is no limit to number of groups for a book - the more the merrier in fact. This depends on hosts, so please send me a note if you are willing to volunteer!
• There are more than 2,000 members in this book club, and my goal is to make space for anyone who wants to attend. In this spirit, if you are a "No Show" to a meeting, or are a chronic last-minute canceller, you will lose your right to hold a spot in a meeting until you come again. What does that mean? If you RSVP Yes and I see that you No Showed last meeting or have canceled the last 3 meetings at the last minute, I will move you to the Waitlist. You are still welcome to sign up, and if a spot opens up, you can join, but you will have your holding-a-spot privileges revoked until you attend a meeting. If you have too many No Shows, I will remove you from the club altogether.
• Payment: I am currently not charging membership dues for this club, but I pay $180 annually to Meetup to use the platform. Please chip in if you can. I will do at least one meeting a year where I ask members to pitch in. If you contribute at least $20, you can pick a book for the club to read.
Thank you dear Readers for making this such a delightful club!