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Another Friday Attendance Email

From: Neil S.
Sent on: Sunday, January 15, 2017, 6:09 PM

Hello all,

Last Friday, I actually got reprimanded by the waitstaff at Nubar because we were holding tables for people that either showed up really late (we had one show up at 9 when the Meetup started at 7) or for people who didn't show up at all.

I've made it abundantly clear that my Meetups take place in busy Cambridge restaurants. We can't just hold seats for people who don't show up.

One person called me to tell me she was coming late. That was fine because at least I knew she was coming. Other than that, you should all try to show up on time to when the Meetup starts.

For future Meetups, if it turns out I over-reserved, I will wait until 20 minutes after the Meetup starts and then give the empty seats back up to the restaurant. I will also turn away people who either try to drop in without RSVP-ing or who show up that late.

I'm putting my foot down because I feel like the behavior of some of the members is making me (and by extension the Meetup group) look bad.