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VC backed biotech startup looking for Software Engineer

From: Wendy K.
Sent on: Friday, April 12, 2019, 3:08 PM

Hi everyone!


My name is Wendy and I wanted to share a SW role at my biotech company in Boston, Nirrin Analytics.


Nirrin uses disruptive technologies and methodologies to deliver non-invasive, non-destructive, real-time, in-process monitoring of aqueous solutions that can enable improved process control, faster process development, and adaptive manufacturing for the biopharma and life science industries. We've been growing in both size and revenue and are looking to grow our team. 


We’re currently looking for a Software Engineer, who will be responsible for the development and maintenance of our data analytics software. Since this is a Python heavy role, I thought this might be an opportunity some of you may be interested in. 

More information on the position can be found here:


We're a small company with big ambitions, competitive salaries, and a great work/life balance. Please let me know if you'd be interested in a conversation!




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