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What we’re about

The intention of our group of friends is to come together monthly to support each other in learning, sharing and practicing the best diabetes care possible incorporating a very low carb lifestyle, along with regular exercise and reduced stress. 

We are ultimately responsible for our own care. We can all benefit by reviewing and discussing the latest research, and sharing stories of our personal health experiences with other like minded individuals. Discussions include learning to incorporate very low carb normal blood sugar guidelines by Dr. Richard K. Bernstein MD, Ketogenic LCHF methods and other cutting edge approaches towards successfully managing diabetes and enjoying a healthy lifestyle. 

In addition to personal sharings, meetings also include expert presentations, free product samples, book giveaways, gadget demos, sharing recipes and low carb treats, exchanging unused diabetes supplies, and testing blood sugars with new products. Anyone and everyone are welcome to join us.

Upcoming events (4+)

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