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What we’re about

It is for everyone who wants to build and strengthen his/her resilience ability, an ability to recover from setbacks, get ready again and move forward with positivity and options. It is a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, learning and growth. 

PURPOSE - A journey that is less painful, more joy and insights 

We all had setbacks or unpleasant experiences to overcome in the past. Some of us recovered from the events faster and some may still bear the wounds till today. There are lessons for us to take away behind these setbacks and also hidden opportunities to be explored and seized in time. 

The purpose of this meet up is to support you moving forward confidently and positively via:

• the space & time dedicated to your recovery, the structure assisting your exploration of lessons take away & hidden opportunities, the positive energy jump-starts your positive recharging system;

• the insights & proven useful tools building and strengthening your resilience ability; 

• and the various ideas, useful tips and experiences shared with each other (group synergy).